Natural Aid – Travel Sickness Relief Oral Spray

Homeopathic Remedy for Motion Sickness.

Natural AidTravel Sickness Relief Oral Spray may help to prevent motion sickness when travelling by car or cabin sickness and anxiety when flying. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, constant yawning, cold sweat, fatigue, drowsiness, headache, rapid breathing.


Cocculus 30C, Nux Vomica 30C, Borax 30C, Argentum Nit 30C -(IN A WATER-ETHANOL SOLUTION)


30 mL

How to Use.

Shake the bottle. 3 sprays under tongue every 10 minutes for up to 6 times until symptoms are alleviated. Re-dose only as needed.

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Natural Aid help your body to take care of you! Now you can treat many common ailments with homeopathic combination medicines suitable for all family members. Always follow the directions on the label.

This advice does not replace professional care. These products are for the treatment of minor ailments only and are not suitable for the treatment of chronic or serious illness.

Contact your homeopathic practitioner or healthcare provider if symptoms do not improve.

Genuine Australian Made Product – Click here to see Why it Pays to Buy Australian-Made Products.

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