Relief of sore or windy tummies.
Natural Aid – Tots Colic Relief Oral Spray for relief of sore or windy tummies or trapped gas and for restless and unsettled babies possibly as a result of mild colic or reflux. Symptoms may include constant crying with reddening face, drawing legs up to tummy, abdominal distension with passing of wind, screaming, wriggling and stiffening with pain, diarrhea, vomiting or constipation.
Colocynthis 30C, Magnesium Phosphorica 6C, Chamomilla 30C, Nux Vomica 6C
30 mL
How to Use.
3 sprays into baby’s mouth before feeding.
Treating babies & children with homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathy is a 210-year-old, low risk and extremely gentle form of traditional medication treatment for babies and children.
It has the added benefit of being capable of addressing both physical ailments and emotional and mental states.
Establishing a happy, healthy early childhood can make your parenting experience considerably more relaxed and rewarding.
When babies and children won’t settle at night due to physical issues like colic or emotional issues like separation anxiety, homeopathic medicines can provide fast and soothing relief to both child and parent.
Behaviour challenges like the typical terrible two’s, tantrums, jealousy of another sibling, arguing, fighting, destructive tendencies or restlessness are ideal candidates for homeopathic regimes.
An added bonus is that the medicines actually are tasteless, so children rarely complain about taking them.
Conditions that have traditionally been associated with childhood infection can also be gently managed with homeopathic medicines.
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