Goop Guys – Floor Goop

Protects a wide range of floor types during construction with Floor Goop.

Goop Guys Floor Goop – Goop® is a ‘Paint On – Peel Off’ water-based, non-hazardous coating system that is proudly made in Australia using the highest quality ingredients. Floor Goop is a specially formulated floor protection system used in a variety of construction applications globally. This range of temporary peelable coating has been reducing costs for builders and renovators for almost 20 years. Protect a wide range of floor types during construction with Floor Goop.


When building or renovating it is inevitable that paint, grout, plaster, glue, and other construction materials may be flicked, dropped or spilt onto your newly laid flooring. Cleaning it is one option – another option is to investigate temporary floor protection for construction sites.

If you’ve ever asked yourself how to protect floors during construction, you’ve come to the right place. Floor Goop is the answer!

There are many items that can potentially damage, mark, stain or scratch floors on a construction site including concrete backsplash (when pouring), metal shavings, screws and nails, paint and grout (to name a few).

This commercial grade Floor Goop is suitable to cover and protect a range of internal surfaces including floor tiles, timber flooring, internal concrete and other surfaces.


FLOOR TILES – Sealed marble, ceramic, porcelain, flagstone, quarry, Mexican/terracotta, agglomerate, terrazzo. Grout joints must be cured prior to application.

TIMBER FLOORING – Polished durability class 1, 2 & 3. Durability class 4 may also be coated however the wood must be fully sealed, lacquered and cured prior to application. Floor sealer must be cured prior to application of Floor Goop, this can sometimes be 4-6 weeks as the carrier solvents from the floorboard coating needs to evaporate for correct curing.

CONCRETE (Internal) – Cured and unpitted concrete (for example garage floors). Polished concrete and epoxy coated flooring surfaces. Ensure sealer is cured prior to application of Floor Goop.

Floor Goop is a specially formulated floor protection system used in a variety of construction applications globally. – trial before coating to ensure Floor Goop is suitable. Not recommended for unsealed/porous substrates.

Through the ever-growing network of franchisees, Goop Guys can provide the highest level of service along with a product that is second to none.

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