Tag Archives: Travel Pack

Natural Aid – Infants Pack

For when travelling with infants & young children

Natural Aid - Infant Travel Pack - Take this in your bag in order to enjoy your trip. Being in a different environment, infants may not settle easily. How many times do you hear a child screaming in pain as the plane ascends or descends? This is due...
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Natural Aid Pty Ltd – First Aid Travel Pack

Take when ever you go travelling

Natural Aid - First Aid Travel Pack contains Calendula Cream for healing open cuts and wounds, Bites & Stings cream for reducing the swelling & itching from mosquitoes and other insects, Burns & Scalds cream to prevent infection and quickly reduce pain and stinging of minor burns and scalds, Bumps...
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Natural Aid – Getaway Pack

5 homeopathic oral sprays to deal with common ailments when travelling

Natural Aid - Getaway Pack - Jet lag can make you feel out of sorts for days, but taking the oral spray helps overcome fatigue, malaise, and insomnia so you can enjoy your days feeling good. Sore, dry throat is common from air-conditioning in the...
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Natural Aid – Bali Pack

Remedies for common ailments while travelling in Bali

Natural Aid - Bali Pack - Bali Belly is a common ailment when in Bali, but this all-natural homeopathic Tummy Bug Oral Spray when used in conjunction with Digestion Oral Spray will nip it in the bud. These 3 organic creams deal with mosquito bites and stings, open...
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